How do I use the exclamation mark? the answer ACCESSORISE!! the exclamation mark! will fit in with most of your S/S sentences and will still work going through to your A/W statements and propositions wardrobe. Ex question mark wearer and general club-kid Que! says, "It's ALL! about using them where PEOPLE! don't EXPECT!, I mean they're SO! right NOW! that you CAN'T! really go wrong JA!"
As if to illustrate the extent of the trend Vice! and Dazed! and Confused! magazine have recently announced that they have added an exclamation mark to their titles however nothing compares to the feverish debate happening at all the parties about whether Vogue is going to become VOGUE!! just keep it ssh! OK!
I remember last winter when Piere came in the office all like "2008's going to ALL! be about Question! marks!!..
We were all "What do you mean?" and he was like: "No! its what do you MEAN!!!" and we totally got it..
Shame you dumb fucks wont catch on until its too late and we've already moved on to the next thing in punctuation..
its ALL about the cadence; sub-clause after sub-clause after sub-clause.
fucking amateurs; exclamation and question marks are soooo kindergarten.
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